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As a neuro therapist, I am always looking for ways to challenge my patients. This tank helps me make simple exercises a little more challenging on balance and with dual tasking.
As a neuro PT, I am always looking of ways to challenge my patients. The tidal tank can make the simplest exercises more challenging
The title tank has already improved the quality of the workouts for my athletes. They have already began to see improvements in themselves with the new training aids.
Zeer goed om mee te trainen vooral als je blessures hebt (ikzelf schouder klachten) heeft mijn na tien jaar afgeholpen van mijn klachten en kan eindelijk weer krachttraining doen
Great for tennis training!! It goes to 55lb and it’s a great tool for all players. Thank you.
I bought the weight ball, on the recommendation of my physiotherapist, it’s one of the things that I have been using when I’m at his clinic.I have been walking, with the ball of water to build the strength back in my foot, after an accident that broke my foot badly.I move the ball and water around, swapping it from hand to hand, as I walk and passing it around my back to as I walk.It has really helped me, gain strength in my foot over the last couple of months.I initially filled the ball up with 5 litres of water, and then I have added a bit more to it, as I have progressed with my walking again.I use the ball at home every day, along with other pieces of equipment that I have bought.I have a very physical job, where I’m on my feet all day.So i have been working very hard, with various exercises so I can get back to work ASAP.No work no money, when you are self employed.So the water ball, had really helped me with my walking it’s fantastic, buy one today!.I think I’m going to order the water sausage next, as I’m using this too at my physio sessions now, which is also fantastic!.
I saw people using this to help them build strength for their baseball swing. I decided to give it a try and after one time use I am happy with the results. I see much better balance with my son's swing. It will now be part of his training. So far the quality is great and the grips appear to be strong.
I like that I can adjust the weight quickly and it forces me to focus on balance to prevent from falling over. I know immediately if I didn’t perform correctly because the Tidal Tank gives feedback immediately. I don’t have to set up a camera and check the video. The handles feel great and I’ve never had problems with it leaking. Its durable and a great training aid.
I needed a way for my baseball pitchers to focus on controlled trunk rotation. Tradition sandbags were not effective as the pitchers would just spin. This not only helps them feel the movement but reminds them to control rotation to be ready to field. The quality is nice. The valve system is much smarter than I'd hoped.